Frequently Asked Questions

Do you require a purchase order? I do not require a purchase order to start your order. However, I have encountered instances where teachers place orders without first obtaining a PO from their district office, causing payment delays. Please verify with your district office before placing an order.

Do you charge tax? Most schools that I work with are tax exempt, but I do require your ID# number to have on file. If your school does get charged tax, we will discuss that at the time the invoice is ready. 

Do you accept credit card payments? Yes, I accept credit card payments. Currently, there is no fee for this service, but this may change in the future.

How long does it take to receive an order? My goal is to ship orders within 1-2 business days. However, the beginning of each quarter can be particularly busy, which may cause delays. For large orders, please place them in advance to allow more processing time. Typically, UPS delivers orders within 3-5 days after shipment.

Can you tell me the cost of shipping in advance? Shipping costs are determined by weight and distance, so I cannot provide an exact cost until the order is boxed and weighed. I can offer a rough estimate based on previous orders, but the final shipping cost will be confirmed after weighing.

Do I have to use the order form to complete my order? I am flexible with order submissions! While email is my preferred method, you can place an order in the way that works best for you—whether by typing out your order in an email or calling during a break. I’m happy to accommodate your needs.

Can I place an order online? Currently, I do not have an online store, but I plan to set one up in the near future.